Stora Enso is a worldwide leader company providing integrated solutions in the field of packaging production, biomaterials, wood products and paper from recycled materials.
Stora Enso is employing about 26.000 people in more than 35 countries. Moreover, it is a member of both Helsinki and Stockholm Stock Exchanges and its sales revenues reached 10.0 Billion Euros in 2015 with an EBIT of 915 million Euros.

Its product range includes products that cover the needs of enterprises and people, in general, while in the meantime they are environmentally friendly. Specifically the company is feeding the market with products which are manufactured using alternative solutions such as products made of renewable materials that have a lower carbon footprint.

The main goal of the company is to maximize the quality of the products starting from the production stage up to the finished product. For this reason, by continuously developing new products and services, based on wood and other renewable materials, it is substituting the mineral materials. Specifically, its activity is focused on developing innovative solutions for packaging production using fibers, pulp, biomaterials and other sustainable manufacturing solutions.
The customer base of Stora Enso Group consists of a wide range of publishers, retailers, brand owners, printing houses, traders and construction companies.